Thursday, January 21, 2010


People are rapidly becoming the bane of my existence. I find myself becoming more and more cynical of the motivation of my fellow humans and less and less tolerant of them in general. Is it age? Is it experience? Is it circumstances in my life that have led me to this feeling of apathy? I'm taking an online class - stop laughing, education is education, k?? - and the people attending these classes with me are complete and total simpletons. For instance, this is the third class and in each session, the same numb nut asks if there is extra credit. Now, the answer all three times has been no. The syllabus clearly states there is no extra credit. And another winner states that she forgot to come to class. Forgot??? It's online and one hour out of an entire week. You forgot?? Argh...

Haiti. Wow. These poor, lost people are in dire need of assistance. They had very little prior to the earthquake and now have even less. But why are we giving temporary amnesty to those here in our country illegally already? Does our government think these folks are going to flock to the INS office and say Hey, I want to get on your list so that in 18 months, you can kick me out. And I may be limited in the news stories I have read or watched, but are there any other countries opening their doors to accept these refugees who will undoubtedly require continuing aid and support?

Facebook. Thank God that there is some means by which I can track the moment by moment life events of people I haven't seen in 20 years. I am now fulfilled.

Publix bag boys....what? Am I the only dirty old lady who wants to get them in the sack. Yuk yuk....

Jay Leno. Conan. WTF. And who cares. Johnny Carson was the man and The Tonight Show died with him.

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