Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Me time

I've spent a lot of time vacationing in my own mind. It's a wondrous place with bucolic scenery in some corners and hectic, over crowded, dismal urban areas too. Lately, there's been little time to spend in my own head. Life intervenes. All I want is some time alone to explore where I am on the road between my ears.

Unfortunately, two kids, two dogs and a wonderful but clingy husband keep that from happening. I am truly never alone. And when I am, there is work to be done. Housework, school work, work work.

Then the guilt settles in. Quit yer bitchin. There's people who would kill to have your life. Kill to have your kids. Kill to have your husband. Kill to have your job. So what if I'm a fluffy, forty something. I am well preserved and reasonably mobile. My bills are paid and I have all my teeth, hair and digits.

But me time....I need me time.

I have grand designs on writing more. On exploring the roller coaster that goes on behind my eyes. On reading just for pleasure. I want a day with no real agenda. No interruptions. No obligations to care for the safety and well being of any other living being.

I guess I need to schedule it. Let's see - I think I can squeeze in a day in October 2020. Meanwhile, I'm gonna throw in a load of laundry, feed the dogs, check on the kids and go snuggle with my husband.

1 comment:

  1. A Room of One's Own. Seemingly impossible, but undeniably essential. Virginia knew what she was talking about. Schedule the time... keep writing. You do have a good life, but it can be even better by giving those tumbling thoughts and faraway places beg to be captured in your words.
